Good evening yes i am up at one in the morning :). I am writing to catch up on the last five months! Its crazy to think that after two years of dating that we have been married a quarter of that time. A lot of the time all of the time that Jared and i have spent together it kind of all morphs into one. It kinda just feels like we have been married for 3 years which is definitely not a bad thing. I have absolutely loved being married to my best friend i cant even believe how lucky i am to have this. The last five months have been pretty uneventful. Before we got married we were just about to start building a house. Well we got married took forever deciding exactly everything that we wanted, ( And what we could afford because surprisingly we are not millionaires. ) We finally started building last month YAY!!! I am so excited to have a place to call home. I like the place we are now other then the heat sometimes but i have not allowed myself to really let it feel like home, since we were only planning on being here for 4 months tops. At least we will be in by the holidays right? So far since being married we have been on two camping trips. I am not at all a camper i like being warm under a blanket on a soft bed at the end of the night. Jared has been very good at making sure that on these camping trips that i am quite comfortable which requires him to pack about 4 times the amount he would normally bring camping haha. The last camping trip we went on was just over the weekend we drove/off roaded to this lake in American Fork Canyon its really pretty and we have been camping here before. This time i must say i really enjoyed myself a lot more then i have in the past. I am not sure if it was because i am getting better at this kind of thing or if i was just all hopped up on s'mores :). It was great we went just Jared and I and our friend Joe. I think the very best thing about camping is its usually in a place where you don't get cell reception. This is awesome because you really get to know people without any distractions or just spend time with the people you love without any stresses of the outside world. We woke up the next morning and met up with some more friends and continued our adventure off roading all morning. It was soooooooooo much fun and totally crazy i took lots of pictures but its really sad because pictures and videos don't do it like any justice at all but here are some any way!
We found this totally random cabin thing up a trail.
This picture doesn't even look cool and it was the craziest part of the day!
This was just a awesome mine that was at the top of our trail.
Super dirty cars!
One of the many many mud puddles we went through.
All in all it was a pretty great day and has been a fantastic past five months for the Palfreymans